picture was taken 4/09

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's the morning YAWN!

I really just wanted to stay in bed this morning but once I got up I was too tired to go lay back down lol. We had a lot of excitement int he neighborhood last night. our neighbor had a burning smell in her house... ok should I back up.. like about 5 months? The city came out and was putting in a drain pipe thru the small canal seperating my next door neighbor (north) and her side neighbors. they cut a line while they were digging. Whether they knew it or not is a mystery. ok fasy forward to June we come home from camp to see all these power truck in front of our house and Don talks to them and the other neighbor (South) has lost electricity. I go in the house and half our power is out including our fridge and freezer (downstairs). lovely thank goodness we weren't gone one more day. so they get us all fixed up. now the last couple weeks she said her tv has been flashing on and off. Well her son-in-law comes home today (he had been at the hospital with his new baby boy) and he calls her and says the washer isn't working. then it starts working but is really slow. she comes home and walks down the hall and smells something burning she calls her sister her sister comes over and they go int he bathroom and it is really strong burning rubber/wire smell so they call the fire department. No fire or anything but they call the power company and they come out and get them fixed up. so now everything is working but her micrwavee and Ipod dock :( they are most likely burned up. She feels totally overwelmed because her daughter has had complications with her pregnancy since Tuesday so she has had a long week.
well there was a bunch of us in the driveway standing around and there were also people driving by trying to see what was going on (you know how it is) I said I should have been laying ont he ground shaking around. it would have mede for a great story at church lol.
ok so now on a happy note I came back home and my cousin had posted pictures from monday so I will share a couple and her website. (I hope that's ok) click here to see more!


Midge said...

Great pictures! Way cute!

Gina said...

Of course it's ok!! Your pictures were so much fun and so is your family!! Your cd is done and you should be getting it soon!! Thanks again for letting me do them!! Love ya