picture was taken 4/09

Saturday, July 12, 2008

AAH almost time for bed!!

So I got some motivation!! WOOHOO! I ended up deciding I was going to stay up and work Friday night so Cora and I stayed up till midnight, I ended up making about 6-7 cards! I will post them in the next few days on my other blog!. So we slept in till about 8 and then Don said let's go out for breakfast! YUM! I love breakfast at Golden Corral! lol.
Then off to his grandma's to do some work (not mowing!!) but hey! i took two showers today! And I might take another! Tammy (Don's mom) and I took insulation out of their ceiling ICK! that's was shower two I took one when I got up!
So after my shower we went to Walmart and spent too much (that's walmart for ya hehe) came home bummed around a bit decided I should make lunch even though I was still full from lunch.
I made lunch Don said he was going to go outside and work in his garage so I went and crashed on the couch! Pulle dmy butt off the couch about 4 and went outside to watch the juds ride their 4-wheelers, Owen rolled his. I'll take pick of his elbow if I remember. It isn't too bad. HEY!!! CHILL!! They always were a helmet!
Then decided I should give Sadie a bath and she took one!!! Have I mentioned she HATES baths? She wouldn't sit down but I got her bathed. Then Don jumped int eh shower our babysitters showed up just as he was done getting ready and we went to the Region dance lol yes we were chaperones and it was fun! Thursday one of our neighbor twins said we should be chaps I said Nnah but then Thursday night I found out we needed two from the YW so I volunteered me and Don to go. they about screemed my ears out when they saw us too. lol they were way happy! haha. ok Now I am sitting here (printing off Don's agenda's for tomorrow) and thought I waould stop in and post.! I hope everyone out there is happy and healthy!

peace out!

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