picture was taken 4/09

Thursday, February 26, 2009

catching up

WOW! I have been reading and catching up on all teh blogs out there! I think it is fun to click on one link and be able to find a few more off the page. it is fun to see where everyone is and what everyone is doing! I am still earning my new computer and to add a new camera to the mix I haven't even tried to upload pictures yet! SO I hope I can get to that today.

Last night we went to Pack meeting and Jacob got a whole bunch of beads and a new belt loop. No Bear So I guess I need to go thru his book cuz I thought he was done.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

a childs prayer II

one more for today so sorry, but this is beautiful.

I posted a prayer jacob said he really has some strong faith! well here's another.

He lost his library book. I looked for it, he looked for it, then we looked again. He climbed into bed and we got ready for night prayers. HE said he would say it cuz he wanted to pray to find his book. He did, he prayed he would find it BEFORE school the next day! aa me, of little faith. We talked a little bit and I turned my body to stand up and saw one of his books he reads all the time (guiness book of world records lol) there was another book, And yes, there it was, his library book! I love having kids to keep me looking for those little answered prayers! God Answers prayers even if they are so simple!

another crash

ya my computer crashed again last week. the hard drive took a huge dump. on the bright side we were able to get the laptop we have been waiting for. It is a big adjustment.
Kids are all doing great! Jacob turned 10 last week! can you believe it!! Tonight we are going to the Blue and Gold dinner and I hope he will get his Bear tonight! I think he has earned it. He asked for the Lego Batman for the Wii. that's it and so he has been playing it all week. We took a few of his friends and went to the Discovery Gateway which is a childrens museum. It was a lot of fun!
Corinne is not enjoying school that much and still asks to be homeschooled:( Next year they are going to the new charter school If she doesn't like it I will consider bringing her home permanantly.
Owen has also been enjoying the Lego Batman! He would play all day if I let him, I'm sure! He is learning his ABC's and LOVE'S going to the library each week for story time!
Sadie! UGH! This girl is a little spit fire! She has been potty training but the past two days has totally not done well. Kinda stinks (no pun intended) but I just need to keep with her and encouraging her!
We got a new calling Sunday! We are the new nursery leaders. I think it will be fun to have a calling together.
Don had his birthday on Tuesday. MOnday we went and got him a truck because he finally said good bye to my little Sentra that I bought before we even met!! He is really happy to have the little truck and it will really help him with his business. Life is good. I am happy. everyone is healthy! how much more could we ask for!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's February

Well ya I said I would update but Facebook has me by the throat and makes me spend all the time there!
The end of November when I was released was so hard. I felt like something inside of me had died and I seriously got depressed. School totally fell apart and I didn't want to do ANYTHING! Fast forward a couple weeks I enrolled my kids back into Majestic and started my annual Charter Applications. Christmas was soo great I love when my kids are so happy. we didn't have a big Christmas, not like last year which was nice. On New Years to lift my spirits I invited some of my good friends over, We had 4 other couples over! the boys watched video's and the girls sat around and chatted and the kids all played! January the kids were so excited to start school but Cora asked with in the week to be homeschooled again, I told her no :( I knew I shouldn't have put her back in. The first of January brought so more exciting news, the kids were all accepted into Hawthorne Academy! It is a brand new school (not even built yet) that is only about 10 minutes or less from my house! plus a few of the neighborhood kids were also accepted! The sad part is that I also had to enrool Owen. I can't believe he goes to school next year!! AGG!
January also brought slow work, with the economy DOn has been really slow at work and has been sent or came home voluntarily countless times the past 6 weeks, which would be har dbut he has been soo busy with other people needing him it has beena huge blessing. He buys from a company who's owner has been wanting Don to tak eover one of his shops. HE worked on his coach (Huge motorhome/bus) and then he left town. HE came back and DOn go t int ouch with him for payment but he left again. DOn fianlly got a hold of him and went and met with him last night and he told DOn. Let's stop stalling I'm gonna find you a garage and made us a HUGE offer to start his own Garage!! (We have looked at a few of his shops already and they haven't worked out) Anyway I think it makes Don feel soo good to have someone have that much confidence in him! So we are in for a big change this year! In Ddecmeber Don was also released as the executive secretary and we had a few people think we were moving. Which we won't be.
hmm. On January 10th we threw my mom a 60's birthday party! It was a surprise and it was soo awesome that she had no clue!
As far as church goes I am happy to go to Relief Society, it is quite the change and I am feeling much better int hose aspects in my life. I had some major issues with the whole thing. The kids are happy and we finally had colds roll thru our house a week ago.
Jacob turns 10 next week!
Cora is happy and thinks she is 16! aggg
Owen has had his kindergarten check-up, That was sad. but it is life
Sadie is potty training now and it is finally going good!
I love life! I am happy and anxious for this year ahead! I promise not to be away so long!