picture was taken 4/09

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Succeeded!!

in changing my blog background!! WOOHOO!!!!

do you like?


I love to post pictures... Here is our week so far lol, Monday I took Cora to Park City for her scout camp. then Monday night we went to our weekly FHE at Wheeler Farm. sorry no farm pic's I forgot my camera when we walked around lol. We will be going back though so no worries!

Cousins and more cousins! Hey I have a ton of cousins this is just a handful. (Madalynn is my niece)
Mark, Madalynn and Carolyn
Allison and Jakob Emilee (holding Logan) and Janae
Mark and Madalynn
Lisa (kids on the blanket-Brooklyn, Meaghan and Becca)
and then Tuesday we we bowling with my bff Becca. We had a great time! Jacob's friend, Giancarlo won, then Owen, Jacob, Brittany and Andrew. Becca and I didn't bowl.

Owen, playing with the screenSadie dancing around

Giancarlo and Jacob carrying Owen in to play his turn (they spent most the time in the game room)Becca snuck her drink in lol here she is stealing a drink lol
Owen Bowling!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

crazy few weeks!

It has been pretty crazy around here since the kids got out of school! another week and I think we can settle down!!
last week we went to a family reunion at my parents property! it was way fun!! This past week Don and I went to Young Womens camp. we dropped the kids off at my moms and she watched them all week. what an angel!! we had a fabulous time! Wednesday night we surprised the girls and took tehm to the Manti Pagent It was sooo great, I had never been and most of the girls had never been. they all cried! Our testimony meeting Thursday nigth was sooo awesome! the girls have grown soo much! I love to put the world away and just be with them with no worries of the outside world! I wish I could live like that!.

when we got home Don had 6 people needing him to do jobs. he has two done! lol we have been home 24 hours. he is working on one right now and has another on the way! It will be grat for the extra $$. then his owrk called and asked if he could go tto Vernal so we might take the trailor and go to Vernal for a week! YEAH!! ok I feel like I am babbling!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

grad card

Well I had to make some graduation cards for my awesome girls that graduated. and I didnt' reaal procrastinate mostly couldn't find one or think of one I really liked till I saw the design for this card and made it into an awesome grad card! I just finished the last one they will go out tonight at YW's! It is for West Jordan High "Jaguars" oh it is a little crooked sorry :) hope you enjoy!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


well we had a fundraiser/dutch oven dinner last night for YW camp. I am so glad it is over! now another week and a half till camp and I am so anxious!! YIPPEE! We raised over $1000!!! Our ward is so supportive it is fantastic! Dinner was scrumptious! and all the meat was eaten up :( and we had three different desserts! YUM! anyway just thought I would post and tell you how awesome our ward is! we had everything from baby blankets to baby sitting, lawn mowing, carwashes, bread, computer work, the list goes on and on. We have an exchange student (who leaves today to go home:( ) she put a bunch of german candies together in baskets. I think everyone who came had a great time!
Well now it is off to Coras Girls Scout Cookie party! so I better run and go get ready and her. Oh she is so cute she got her hair cut on Thursday and she just loves it I will post pictures later!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

growing up

15 years ago today I sat early in the morning, gazing upon a beautiful sunrise. what did that sunrise represent? My new life? true adulthood? It seemed fitting to sit the day after high school graduation and watch as one life ended and a new began. I've never wanted to grow up. I always felt a kinship to Peter Pan. my self proclaimed personal anthem is Forever Young. I want to be forever young. I tell my kids to stay young forever. I love to be around young people! I thrive off that and each day as the clock ticks and I get older it is quite depressing. I am still 17 in my head. but as my body gets flabby and old I realize I really can't do everything I did way back then. I watch as people make desicions in life and it make me want to cry! Hey! Why are you trying to be so old?!? Why do you want to grow up so fast?!? your teen years are so quickly passed and you can never go back!! Live it! Enjoy it! Go out and have fun! People call me crazy, Hey, I'm not crazy I am just fighting the inevitable, life. I often wonder how I got here. A husband, a house, 4 kids!!! WOW! Aren't I just 17? where did this all come from and how fast!
Today I have shed tears for my youth. Is today the day I realize I have to grow up? I need to stop acting like a child? please tell me it is not true. Please let me be forever young.

(I don't have a grad pic but this is my senior picture)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy June!!

Well ith it being the end of school and all I bypassed the usual giftcard for the teacher and made these (I think) cute clipboards.

this first on is for Jacob's teacher Miss Roybal
And this second one is for Cora's teacher Mrs Bell
The little squares are tin, so they are magnetic and I added a little magnet with matching ribbon! I really think they turnedout great! I hope they like them!