picture was taken 4/09

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring has sprung.....not really

it is snowing today!

So my month is full of fun and exciting stuff! It will just fly by but I need to take a step back and enjoy it all to the fullest.
#1-not fun but exciting for Don He gets to go to Minnesota for job training.
#2-I get to go on a field trip with Cora! she is soo excited I get to go!
#3-We are going to Goblin Valley!! Yeah! for 4 days! SPRING BREAK!
#5-Las Vegas to see The Cure! YIPPEE!!
#6-Sadie turns 3!!!!
#7-Don is gonna go shoot a pig and fill our freezer with pork! YUM!

and then the month will close out! and I will have plenty to blog about! so come kick my butt if I don't!

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