picture was taken 4/09

Thursday, December 11, 2008

me and my crafty self!

we as you know (or don't) I do enjoy a craft now and again! so this past month I have been doing a fun challenge swap. And I didn't take picture so sorry they won't be on my crafting blog. :( bummer! So yesterday was our exchange party and it was soo fun! I just love all my friends! Last night I went to enrichment night and made some vinyl boards that are way cool. and today I am going to my mum's to learn the art of class etching lol. should make for a fun day trying to homeschoola t my moms and paint glass! haha. ok I will post pictures later! off to the DI then my moms!

UPDATE: http://4kidsnstillcroppin.blogspot.com/2008/12/glass-etching.html

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